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Assessment Description

This assessment is a culmination piece, in which you will be given an opportunity to combine the information you have accumulated in Assessments 1 and 2. More importantly, you will need to showcase an understanding of marketing issues related to consumer behaviour such as attitudes, group influences, culture, social class, consumer learning processes, and personal buying decision-making processes.

The Task: Based on the scenario below, you are required to write a 2000-word report. In this report, you must demonstrate an understanding and application of various consumer behaviour concepts and theories by analysing the facts gathered from the video and the survey, and present strategic recommendations. You will be required to incorporate recent peer-reviewed literature in order to justify your proposed recommendations.

Scenario: Imagine that you have just been employed by the company of your chosen FMCG product that you analysed in your earlier assessments. You have recently learnt that the company's customer loyalty has declined over the last year and that repeat purchases are at a historic low.

You have now been asked to prepare a report in which you must critically analyse company's current marketing strategy and marketing communication mix and its alignment to your findings in assessment 1 and 2. More specifically, you will need to determine if identified consumer behavioural factors in previous assessments align with company's current marketing focus. Based on your analysis, you are also required to provide at least three strategic recommendations to the board of directors, along with reasons for recommending further improvements, all of which must be based on scholarly sources.

Assessment Format

The paper is to be presented in a professional report format and cannot exceed 2000 words. In all of the responses, whilst your views are important and must be shared, you must cite consumer behaviour theory to support your position.

Your report MUST follow this professional structure: Table of Contents
Table of Figures (optional)
Executive Summary (1 page long, no more or less) Selected FMCG Product Overview (250 words) Critical Analysis (1150 words)
Strategic Recommendations (600 words) that are logical and feasible. Appendices (optional)
Reference List (You MUST use Harvard Refencing Style)

NB: Title page, Table of Contents, Table of Figures, Executive Summary, Reference List & Appendices do not count towards the word limit of your analysis

You must use a minimum of 15 references.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M93116142
  • Price:- $60

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