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An organizational assessment is needed to identify the best approach for project implementation and to gauge whether or not this project will be a success in this organization.This week, you will introduce the organizational assessment component of the Key Assignment for the course.

The introduction of the organizational assessment report should include the following:

  • Introduction to the Organization
    • Provide an overview of the nature of the organization.
    • Identify the stakeholders in the organization.
    • What is the organizational culture?
    • Describe how the topic of study could benefit your organization.
  • Analysis
    • You will identify the analysis tools that you used to perform an assessment of your organization relative to your topic of study.
    • Your assessment needs to contain measurements and benchmarks.
    • Include tables and graphs to demonstrate the findings of your assessment.
  • Risk Analysis
    • Identify what risks or challenges will be identified as a result of the organizational assessment.
    • Can this project be undertaken within the boundaries of state and federal regulation?
    • Are there any potential stark or antikickback concerns?
    • Are there resources available to undertake the project?
  • Add this to your Executive Summary along with any citations and references that are used.
  • Submit a report of your organizational assessment process. This is the first part of your Executive Summary.



Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M91184180
  • Price:- $70

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