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Assignment: PowerPoint Presentation

Review the part of Web Chapter A regarding new product innovation. You can access Web Chapter A at this web address: Then choose a new product which you have been introduced to in the past 12 months. You are as well welcome and encouraged to research this new product by using outside sources. You are to make a PowerPoint presentation regarding the marketing strategy for this relatively new product. Your PowerPoint presentation must comprise the given elements:

Slide 1: Title page.
Slide 2: Explanation of the new product.
Slide 3: Describe which category of innovation is emphasized.
Slide 4: List what differentiates the product from the competition.
Slide 5: describe the product's target market and its demographics.
Slide 6: describe the market size and potential product demand.
Slide 7: Describe in which phase of the product life cycle is the product.
Slide 8: Predict product demand in five years.
Slide 9: List of sources by using APA guidelines.

Strategic Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Strategic Management
  • Reference No.:- M9635

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