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This week we studied psychological disorders. Which disorder do you think would be the most challenging to have and why? Which of its symptoms would prove the most difficult for you. What what you most need from society if you had the disorder you selected?

Although any psychological disorder has challenges, here you must choose only one. You don't have to be a trained professional to answer this question; just think about what you believe would be challenging in general and particularly difficult about a particular disorder.

Because one never knows who might have a disorder (people with psychological disorders are in society, around us all the time), we always want to use respectful language and avoid words like "crazy" or "insane" or statements like, "That would be horrific to have" or "I would want society to put me away if I had that...". These are all words that have been used in past posts used with no intent to hurt others but which still can sting.

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  • Reference No.:- M92383198
  • Price:- $10

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