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Definitions of Languages:

The Language is human capacity for acquiring and using the complex systems of the communication, and a language is any precise example of such a system. The scientific study of the language is called the linguistics.

The philosophy of language, such as whether the words can represent the experience, has been debated since the Georgia's and the Plato in the Ancient Greece, with later thinkers such as the Rousseau arguing that language came from the emotions, while others like the Kant held it came from the logical thought. The 20th century philosophers such as the Wittgenstein argued that philosophy is really a study of the language.


The Foreign language anxiety is feeling of the uneasiness, nervousness, worry and the apprehension experienced when learning or using a second or the foreign language. These feelings may stem from any second language circumstance whether connected with productive skills of the speaking and the writing, or receptive skills of the reading and the listening.

The Foreign language anxiety is a shape of what the psychologists describe as the precise anxiety reaction. Some individuals are more predisposed to the anxiety than others, and may sense anxious in a wide variety of the situations. The Foreign language anxiety, however, is the situation specific and so can also influence the individuals who are not characteristically anxious in the other situations.


*Although all the aspects of learning and using  a foreign language can cause the listening, anxiety, and the speaking are regularly cited as most anxiety provoking of the foreign language activities.

*The main causes of the foreign language anxiety have been broadly separated into the three key components: test anxiety, communication apprehension and the fear of negative evaluation.

*The Communication apprehension is anxiety experienced when listening to or speaking to the other individuals. The Test-anxiety is a form of the performance anxiety associated with fear of doing badly, or the indeed failing altogether.

*The Fear of negative evaluation is anxiety associated with learner's perception of how the other onlookers (classmates, instructors or others) may negatively view their language aptitude.

*There can be different physical causes of the anxiety (such as the hormone levels) but underlying the causes of excessive anxiety whilst learning are the fear and a lack of the confidence. The Lack of confidence itself can come from the various causes. One reason can be teaching approach used.


The Language is absolutely central to your learning: without it, you cannot construct the sense or communicate your understanding of a theme (subject).

Thus you will need to develop your language skills, and exclusively, you're scholastic English, in order to:

1)Understand and build the most efficient use of your study resources.

2)Develop t specialized language and the vocabulary applicable to your subject.

3)Understand the assignment questions and select the relevant and the appropriate material for your response.

4)Write the well-structured and the coherently presented assignments, without the plagiarism.

5)Communicate your desires to your instructors.

6)Work productively with the other scholars.


While some analysts say that the English is becoming the international language of the business and the society, there's never been a better time to study a foreign language such as the French, German or Japanese. Though such languages may not be quite as the widespread as the English, they offer rich sets of the linguistics and the innuendos not found in any dialect of the English. The reasons for learning a new language are diverse, but importance of learning the foreign languages is common: it will always benefit you in one way or the other way.

One of the most significant reasons to learn a foreign language is stimulation it offers your brain. Like a young child grappling with the language for very first time, you find yourself the lusting for knowledge and the oozing curiosity at every turn. The familiar becomes fascinating, and your brain is opened to new ways of the approaching even simplest areas of the life.


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