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This assignment is designed to gauge your ability to closely read a literary text for important details and complexity. This assignment will result in three paragraphs on various aspects of "A&P" by John Updike. However, this will NOT be an essay.


1. After reading the short story "A&P," write a well-developed paragraph for each of the three writing prompts below.

Write a well-developed paragraph that summarizes the plot of the story.

Write a well-developed paragraph that interprets the text. Explain what the author's essential message or theme is and provide textual evidence to support your interpretation.

Write a well-developed paragraph that analyzes the story. Choose one or two literary elements (excluding plot) and demonstrate how they contribute to a deeper understanding of the story.

2. Formatting:

Compose your paper using Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application, making use of spell check and grammar check.
Use 12-point, Times New Roman font.

Double-space the paper with 1-inch margins.

Include a cover sheet with a Running Head, and page numbers.

Format and citations must use MLA 7th edition criteria. Consult the Easy Writer

Essay, Writing

  • Category:- Essay
  • Reference No.:- M92365684
  • Price:- $20

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