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Seastrand Oil Company produces two grades of gasoline: regular and high octane. Both gasolines are produced by blending two types of crude oil.

Although both types of crude oil contain the two important ingredients required to produce both gasolines, the percentage of important ingredients in each type of crude oil differs, as does the cost per gallon.

The percentage of ingredients A and B in each type of crude oil and the cost per gallon are shown.

Crude Oil Cost          Ingredient A                  Ingredient B
1                            $0.20           10%                       50%
2 $0.25 40%                       20%

Each gallon of regular gasoline must contain at least 30% of ingredient A, whereas each gallon of high octane can contain at most 40% of ingredient

B. Daily demand for regular and high-octane gasoline is 800000 and 400000 gallons, respectively

How many gallons of each type of crude oil should be used in the two gasolines to satisfy daily demand at a minimum cost?

Round your answers to the nearest whole number. Round the answers for cost to the nearest dollar.

gallons of crude 1 used to produce regular =
gallons of crude 1 used to produce high-octane =
gallons of crude 2 used to produce regular =
gallons of crude 2 used to produce high-octane =
Cost = $  

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92785893

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