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Note: Prepare your submission assuming that you are the project leader and that you are providing this information to the project manager and project team at a project "kick-off" meeting. Thus, a professional appearance and clear and concise responses (explaining your answers and showing relevant calculations) are required.

1. Work Breakdown Structure

Prepare a Work Breakdown Structure for the construction of the building. You should use all of the tasks the case has described as well as adding at least 10 of your own. It is NOT expected that the WBS be in MS Project, a Microsoft Word document is sufficient.

The WBS should not exceed 1 page. Use either an indented or tree format. The additional tasks are for this question only.

2. MS Project Network Diagram

Prepare a MS Project Network Diagram (before crashing) of the activities mentioned in the case. You should re-arrange the boxes on the Network Diagram so that it is easy to read, goes from left to right in general, and fits on ONE page (landscape isrecommended).

3. Path Identification

Identify the paths and the length (in weeks) of each path. Specifically identify the critical path(s).

4. Project Duration & Cost

What are the project duration and overall cost in which the building can be occupied by management staff under normal times and costs?

5. Project Crashing

Bryce is considering completing this project in the shortest time possible. What is the fastest the project can be completed, and the associated costs of that approach (without incurring any unnecessary costs)? Your solution must indicate the step by step (one week at a time) order and duration of the ‘crashing' of activities so that the board can choose their preferred combination of cost and schedule.

6. MS Project Gantt Chart

Provide a printout of the "shortest possible time" (from question 5 above) approach's Gantt chart from MS Project (landscape page format is acceptable).

7. Activity Delay

After receiving approval from the board in the normal time, Bryce ran into problems obtaining the necessary building permits. The land on which the building is planned to be built on was recently zoned as residential. As a result, a re-zoning approval had to accompany the building permits. This re-zoning approval required an additional two weeks to obtain. If Bryce wants to complete the project in the original "normal" time determined in Question #4, what specific actions must he know take to minimize costs while still completing the building as originally scheduled?

8. Project Triangle

Recent reports of Western Canadian governments (municipal / provincial) seriously discussing the ban of cosmetic pesticides has increased the priority of the proposed Western Canada marketing and administrative office. Before approving increased funds for the project, the board of directors would like to know how a potential "budget increase" of a few hundred thousand dollars could impact the other aspects of the project. Assume the project has recently begun and is progressing at the normal schedule pace.

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M91548923
  • Price:- $60

Priced at Now at $60, Verified Solution

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