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Case Study:

Read the Internet Mini Case #6 on Williams-Sonoma and answer the written response problems in order to done this assignment. Internet Mini Case #6 on Williams-Sonoma can be found on the Pearson Higher Education web site at this address:

The PDF file having Mini Case #6 can be found in Unit VIII. There are four written response problems below worth 25 points each. Your answers must comprise information from your course materials and/or from outside research however must be primarily in your own words. If you paraphrase or quote words or ideas from your course textbook or other resources, you must cite your sources by using APA guidelines. Each of your responses to each of the four problems must be spell and grammar checked and should be 200-300 words in length to be considered a ‘complete’ answer to a written response problem. Please contact your instructor if you have any problems.

problem 1: If the Williams-Sonoma continues with its present strategies and objectives, where will it be in 5 years?

problem 2: If you were the CEO of William-Sonoma, what strategies would you suggest and why?

problem 3: describe the competitive strategies employed by each of Williams-Sonoma's competitors. Which of such strategies are the most effective? Support your answer.

problem 4: How is Williams-Sonoma using the Internet as a distribution channel now, and how would you suggest that they use the Internet in the future?

Strategic Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Strategic Management
  • Reference No.:- M9636

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