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You just recently finished managing one big ICT project successfully. The top management has decided to assign you to a new ICT project. You are allocated a fund of RM50, 000.00 and a six months period to deliver the project. You are given 10 team members, including yourself. You can choose the ICT project from the list below:

- Student Information System (for a university)
- Student Information System (for a school)
- An Inventory System
- An Accounting System
- Your own choice (can be a real project that you are currently working on)

The assignment must be done in a group of two students. Any software tools can be used to deliver the assignment.

a. Produce a project charter for the project. Use the format as shown in slides for chapter 4 on page 30.

b. Produce a work breakdown structure using a mind-mapping technique (using a software tool is recommended).

c. Produce a project Gantt chart with resources assigned. A work package must not be longer than 10 days to finish and must be assigned to only one person.

d. Please list down all tasks that fall under the critical path for this project.

e. Please show proves that you have participated thru online discussion between your partners. Please CC your email to me, the ‘stakeholder'.

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M92370879
  • Price:- $25

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