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1. Evaluate Eastern Gear with operations strategic objectives and how would you like to make recommendations for any changes in the firm's operations strategy?

2. Based on the diagnoses of Eastern Gear's operations, what decisions should Mr Rhodes make to solve his problems in terms of (1) process and (2) quality?

3. Based on the diagnoses of Eastern Gear's operations, what decisions should Mr Rhodes make to solve his problems in terms of (3) capacity and (4) inventory?


1. No more than 500 words are allowed in each answer.

2. Use Times New Roman, 12-point, single-spaced with margins of 2.54 cm.

3. Citations: Refer to textbook page(s) and line(s), or PowerPoint slide(s)

4. In case you wish to support your arguments with information outside our textbook or PowerPoint, follow the APA style and make References.

1. Evaluate Eastern Gear with operations strategic objectives and how would you like to make recommendations for any changes in the firm's operations strategy?

2. Based on the diagnoses of Eastern Gear's operations, what decisions should Mr Rhodes make to solve his problems in terms of (1) process and (2) quality?

3. Based on the diagnoses of Eastern Gear's operations, what decisions should Mr Rhodes make to solve his problems in terms of (3) capacity and (4) inventory?

Strategic Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Strategic Management
  • Reference No.:- M91946333

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