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Q. If I am empowered, why do I need project management?

A. If you have been authorize it probably or must mean that you have been given the authority and responsibility to undertake the work necessary with no constant surveillance and supervisory intervention. It should as well mean that you have been given a coherent and articulated vision of the thing to be achieved and subject to appropriate reporting (accountability) you are left to get on with the job. If you are the single person involved in the work then all you have to worry about is your own time and resources required to accomplish the task at hand. To do a job well still that takes personal training and mental discipline.

Once others are involved they are entitled to the same consideration and to share the empowerment process. It means building a coordinated and committed team environment which is one of the major elements of good project management successfully managing and coordinating human resources.

The manager who considers that it is their prerogative alone to direct, organize and control the entire project is doomed to poor results. Empowered people work additionally enthusiastically and respond faster take a pride in their work and the results show up in the timeliness and quality of the product.

On the other face of the coin your own empowerment means nothing if those from whom you will require support for the project have not been properly informed especially in a matrix type of environment as most organizations really are. Therefore check it out If anyone isn't aware of your new authority and responsibility go back and ask for the situation to be clarified.

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M9568499

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