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Q. How do I get my project organized?

Every project that involves surplus to one person requires a project team to get the work done. With no doubt building a motivated project team will be your primary and most critical task for the reason that the success of the project will rely heavily on choosing the right team members and gaining their commitment to the project's objectives. If probable assembling the project team and dividing the project's scope into manageable pieces developing a work breakdown structure must go hand in hand. In this way assists and ideas are obtained in developing the project plan and as the skills required to execute the project plan become apparent consequently can additional people resources be identified and recruited as necessary.

Politically it will be cautious to utilize the abilities of permanently assigned staff to fulfil these requirements but if there are required skills that aren't available then other sources must be identified and pursued. Several texts have been written on identifying appropriate team members securing their commitment and maintaining their motivation subjects which are beyond the scope of this presentation. However this part of a project manager's job is probably the most time consuming as well as stated earlier the most critical. It may as well be the most difficult and makes the difference between the effective and the ineffective manager. Remember projects are built by people!

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M9568506

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