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1. Hannah Lee would like to purchase a clinic suite in an medical office condominum where she has been working as a physical therapist for the past 12 years. She has been speaking to loan officers at credit unions and banks and will analyze the monthly cost of mortgage rates as well as review the overall impact this purchase would have on her budget.

Switch to the Clinic Mortgageworksheet.

In cell D5, create a formula using the PMT function to determine the monthly payments for the anticipated Clinic mortgage, using the defined names Rate, Term_Years, and Loan_Amount as the rate, nper, and pv arguments in the formula.

a. Put a negative sign before the PMT function to make the formula return a positive value.

b. In the function, Rate should be dividedby12to calculate the monthly interest rate, and Term_Yearsshould be multipliedby12 to calculate the total number of monthly payments.

2. Hannah calculated the anticipated total cost of the clinicusingthe mortgage interest rate she expects to qualify for. She now wants to determine how different interest rates could impact the total cost of the clinic.

Select the range A12:A26 and fill it with a percent series based on the values in range A12:A13. The values are the interest rates that Hannah will analyze in the Varying Interest Rate Schedule.

3. Create a single variable data table to determine the impact that the variable interest rates (in the range A12:A22) will have on the total cost of the clinic.

a. In cell B11, create a formula without using a function that references cell D5 (the monthly payments).

b. In cell C11, create a formulawithout using a function that references cell D6 (the total interest paid on the loan).

c. In cell D11, create a formula without using a function that references cell D7 (the total cost of the mortgage).

d. Select the range A11:D26 and create a single-variable data table, using an absolutereference to cell D3 (the mortgage interest rate) as the Column input cell. 

4. To help Hannah identify how each rate in her Variable Interest Rate Schedule compares to the interest rate she anticipates on her mortgage, she decides to highlight the matching interest rate in the schedule with a conditional formatting rule.

Apply a Highlight Cells conditional formatting rule to the range A12:A26 that formats any cell in the range that is equal to the value in cell D3 (using an absolute reference to cell D3) with Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text.

5. Hannah now wishes to finalize the Amortization schedule.

In cell J4, create a formula without using a function that subtracts the value in cell I4 from the value in cell H4 to determine how much of the mortgage principal is being paid off each year.

Copy the formula in cell J4 to the range J5:J18.

6. In cell K4, create a formula using the IF function to calculate the interest paid on the mortgage (or the difference between the total payments made each year and the total amount of mortgage principal paid each year). 

a. The formula should first check if the value in cell H4 (the balance remaining on the loan each year) is greater than 0.

b. If the value in cell H4 is greater than 0, the formula should return the value in J4subtracted from the value in cell D5multiplied by 12. Use a relative cell reference to cell J4 and an absolute cell reference to cell D5. (Hint: Use 12*$D$5-J4 as the is_true argument value in the formula.)

c. If the value in cell H4 is not greater than 0, the formula should return a value of 0.

Copy the formula from cell K4 into the range K5:K18.

7. Apply the Accounting number format with two decimal places and $ as the symbol to the range K4:K18.

8. In cell K20, create a formula without using a function that references the defined name Down_Payment.

9. Hannah decides to add custom cell borders to the amortization schedule to make it easier to read.

Apply custom cell borders with a Blue, Accent 5, Darker 50% (9thcolumn, 6th row in the Theme Colors palette)line color as described on the next page:

a. Add an Outline border with a Medium border style (2nd column, 5th row) to the range G3:K21.

b. Add a Vertical Line border with a Light border style (1st column, 7th row) to the range G3:K21.

c. Add a Top border with a Light border style (1st column, 7th row) to the range G4:K4.

d. Add a Bottom border with a Light border style (1st column, 7th row) to the range G18:K18.

10. To make the various elements of the Clinic Mortgage worksheet easier to select and print, Hannah wants to add custom names to ranges in the worksheet.

a. Apply the custom name Mortgage_Payment to the range A2:D7.

b. Apply the custom name Interest_Rate_Schedule to the range A9:D26.

c. Apply the custom name Amortization_Schedule to the range G2:K21.

11. Assign names to the cells in the range D5:D7 by selecting the range C5:D7 and creating names from the selection using the values in the Left column as the defined names.

12. Hannah wishes to protect the worksheet, so that she doesn't make any accidental changes to the values. However, since she made assumptions about the price of the clinic, the down payment, and the mortgage interest rate, she wants to be able to update these values in the protected worksheet.

a. Select and unlock the range B5:B6.

b. Select and unlock cell D3.

c. Protect the Clinic Mortgage worksheet without a password.

13. Hannahhad previously hidden a worksheet containing data on her other financial obligations. Now she wants to review the data in that worksheet along with the data she just calculated.

Unhide the Outstanding Loansworksheet.

14. Switch to the Outstanding Loansworksheet.

In cell B9, create a formula without using a function that determines the total interest associated with the loan. Firstmultiplythe value in cell B7 (the number of years)by the value in cell B8 (the monthly payment) and by 12 (to convert the yearly terms to monthly terms), and then subtractthe value in cell B5 (the loan amount).

Copy the formula without the formatting in cell B9 into the range C9:E9.

15. Hannahwould like to be able to see the remaining balance of her other loans at the end of the current year.

In cell B12, create a formula using the PV function to determine the outstanding balance of the loans at the end of the current year using the parameters below:

a. For the rate parameter, use the value in cell B6 (the yearly interest rate of the mortgage) divided by 12.

b. For the nper parameter, subtract the value in cell B11 (the current year of the loan)from the value in cell B7 (the total number of years of the loan), and multiply that by 12.

c. For the pmt parameter, use the value in cell B8 (the monthly payment), putting a negative sign before this value to make the outcome of the PV function positive.

Copy the formula without the formatting from cell B12 to the range C12:E12.

Your workbook should look like the Final Figures below. Save your changes, close the workbook, and then exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

Attachment:- Data file.rar

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92758860

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