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Project Management Assignment

Stand-Alone Project: Chase Retail Complex

You should begin working on the Stand-Alone Project early in the course. Each assignment provides a benchmark for completing the Stand-Alone Project in a timely manner while working through the course. You will find this information in the "Stand-Alone Project Benchmark" section of each assignment.

NOTE: You will need to download a free 60 day trial of Microsoft Project 2013 for the Stand-Alone Project. You can access the download by going to the textbook website at:

Go to the "Microsoft Project Trial" tab. Your Microsoft Project Software trial works for only 60 days. You must complete your Stand-Alone Project in 60 days unless you purchase Microsoft Project Software.

Required Background Reading: The following readings will prepare you for this project: Gido, J., & Clements, J. P. (2015). Successful project management. (6th ed.). Cengage Learning. Appendix C.

The Scenario: Chase Opportunity has selected you as the project manager to oversee their latest project - Chase Retail Complex. Chase's vision is to build four (4) 10,000 square foot buildings (see concept drawing below). Within each building, suite sizes may vary per customer rental agreement (estimating five (5) 2,000 square foot areas per building). Chase has the funds to cover the total project costs and they have already purchased the land for construction. Chase wants to start construction January 2, 2007 and complete the project as soon as possible.


This project is comprised of seven (7) parts. Please read each part carefully to ensure that you submit all of the work. Your Stand-Alone Project responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the project itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style. (200 points) (A 10-page response plus associated Gantt charts and Excel spreadsheets is required.)

Part A - Develop a project life cycle analysis of the proposed project. Include and discuss at least two (2) tasks for each of the four (4) stages.

Part B - Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) and a responsibility matrix like those found in your text. You may use MS Word or Excel to develop both of these charts. (A chart and matrix are required.)

The following work activities should be included in your charts. Look them over and determine the best sequence in which they should be accomplished. Some activities (WBS Level 1) may be performed simultaneously whereas others may not. Using your personal knowledge and research, include at least two (2) sub-activities/sub-levels (WBS Level 2) for each activity. Use each of the two (2) names listed under Support Responsibility as a "Primary" for one of your sub-activities/sub-levels and as "Support" for the other sub-activity/sub-level. The WBS and matrix for Activity "Roof" may look something like these examples.


Part C - Prepare a WBS and Gantt Chart in MS Project using the information developed in Part B and the information given. Then explain how much time the overall project is going to take to complete as is.

1. It takes 30 days (standard 8-hour workdays, Monday through Friday) to complete each activity.

2. Construct the WBS and Gantt Chart (in Project) illustrating the construction of each building in sequence. For example, building "A" must be built (completed) before construction on building "B" is started, etc. DO NOT include the Level 2 tasks in your Gantt Chart created in Part B.

Part D - Incorporate the following information into your WBS from Part C.

The project manager is paid $30/hour and each primary (P) worker is paid $25/hour while support (S) workers are paid $15/hour.

1. Determine the project's total labor costs.  Explain your results. Submit a copy of your Resource Sheet.

2. When developing the project cost plan, what things should be considered to estimate the total project costs?  It may be helpful to contact actual contractors, construction companies, vendors, etc., for the tasks involved in this type of project.

Part E - In Part C, your WBS and Gantt Charts were based on each of the buildings being constructed one after the other. We know that building in this manner is a large waste of resources, namely people and time. Revise your original WBS and Gantt charts to reflect better use of your resources. In addition, submit a copy of your new Resource Sheet. Explain the changes you made, why you made them, and how these changes affect your overall project (i.e., costs, project duration, etc.).

Part F - Identify three (3) conflicts that may arise during this project. Then provide a solution to each conflict using Steps 1-7 of Gido and Clement's Nine-Step Approach to Problem Solving.

Part G - Write a description explaining to Chase Opportunity what a successful project looks like. In other words, how will Chase know when you have achieved the common goal you set out to achieve? Describe three metrics, or measures, that you will use throughout the project life cycle. Explain how each metric relates to the project.

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M92382283

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