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Project : Employee Handbook

Company Background & Operating Environment

Use the assigned case study for information about "the company."

Policy Issue & Plan of Action

The company has grown substantially over the past few years. The current Employee Handbook was created from a set of templates purchased from a business services firm. The policies in the handbook were reviewed by the company's attorney at the time of purchase. The attorney raised no objections at that time. During a recent legal review, the company's corporate counsel advised that the company update the Employee Handbook to better address its current operating environment. The Chief Executive Officer has tasked the Chief of Staff to oversee the handbook updates including obtaining all necessary approvals from the Corporate Governance Board.

The Chief of Staff met with the full IT Governance Board to discuss the required policy updates. (The IT Governance Board is responsible for providing oversight for all IT matters within the company). The outcome of that meeting was an agreement that the CISO and CISO staff will update and/or create IT related policies for the employee handbook. These policies include:

· Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology

· Bring Your Own Device Policy

· Digital Media Sanitization, Reuse, & Destruction Policy

Your Task Assignment

As a staff member supporting the CISO, you have been asked to research what the three policies should contain and then prepare an "approval draft" for each one. No single policy should exceed two typed pages in length so you will need to be concise in your writing and only include the most important elements for each policy.

The policies are to be written for EMPLOYEES and must explain employee obligations and responsibilities. Each policy must also include the penalties for violations of the policy and identify who is responsible for compliance enforcement.

Your "approval drafts" will be submitted to the IT Governance Board for discussion and vetting. If the board accepts your policies, they will then be reviewed and critiqued by all department heads and executives before being finalized by the Chief of Staff's office. The policies will also be subjected to a thorough legal review by the company's attorneys. Upon final approval by the Corporate Governance

Board, the policies will be adopted and placed into the Employee Handbook.


1. Review the Week 1 & 2 readings.

2. Review the sample policies and procedures provided in Week 1.

3. Find additional sources which provide information about the policy statements which should be covered in three policies for the Employee Handbook.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92166679

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