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Please read and review the following article and video:

Article: Read CREST "Cyber Security Incident Response Guide"

Video(s): 2014 Cyber Security Session 24 - Cyber Security Incident Response

Watch Video

2014 Cyber Security Session 24 - Cyber Security Incident Response

Using what you have learned about Cyber Security Incident Response from the assigned reading, video, and report, thinkabout the following Lockheed-Martin's Cyber Kill Chain:






Command and Control (C2)

Actions on Objectives

Your assignment is as follows:

Define and discuss the three steps to Cyber Security Incident Response.

Research recent cyber breaches and discuss the cyber "kill" chain for one of the breaches.

For the company involved in step 2, make at least three (3) recommendations to senior leadership that could avoid breaches in the future.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92368513
  • Price:- $10

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