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Paper on Incremental technological. 3-4 pages plus 2 references.

Research Overview An important aspect of technology management is developing the skills to research a technology and identify the capabilities, application, and implications of its adoption and use within an organization.

This research paper will allow students to evaluate an emerging technology based on broad industry practices and specific organizational needs.

Research Components Students will research and select an emerging, innovative technology and discuss the impact of the technology on business.

Students may choose a new, original technology solution, or identify the emergent application of a currently existing solution. The research topic will be chosen in the first module, and students will spend two modules researching the technology and thinking about how its application can create value for a business.

Project requirements are:

A topic proposal, due at the end of Module One (submitted for feedback consistent with the Innovations in IT Paper Rubric, but not graded separately)

A final report, due in Module Three (graded using the Innovations in IT Paper Rubric)

Research Paper Format The final research proposal should be 3-5 pages in length, not including cover page or reference list. This project must follow current APA formatting.

Research Objectives To successfully complete this research project, you will be expected to apply what you have learned in this course and should include the following objectives:

1. Identify emerging IT trends through scholarly and/or trade literature

2. Understand the impact of innovative IT solutions on business.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92369424
  • Price:- $20

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