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Inquiry for Chronic Care - Care Planning

Case study: Lachlan Emmerson

You have commenced your clinical placement at Curtin Hospital on Ward 9A a Medical Ward. Following handover you have been allocated Lachlan Emmerson, aged 6 years, admitted earlier this afternoon to Ward 9A for management of a urinary tract infection (UTI).

You have been asked by your buddy nurse to write Lachlan's care plan following his admission to hospital. Your buddy nurse completed the nursing assessment following Gordon's Health Assessment Framework which is provided below.

Please use the Gordon's Health Assessment Framework provided and complete a care plan. In the care plan the following is required:

Nursing Problems:

Four of the most important nursing problems need to be identified and formulated appropriately as nursing diagnostic statements.

Expected Outcomes:

You will need to write one expected outcome for each nursing diagnostic statement identified.

Nursing Interventions:

Four nursing interventions for each nursing diagnostic statement need to be identified.

Scientific Rationales:

A scientific rationale needs to be provided for each nursing intervention. Each rationale will relate to, support and provide validity for the intervention. Each rationale is to be referenced.

Handover of Care:

You will need to provide a handover of care for each identified nursing diagnostic statement using ISOBAR.

Discharge Plan:

You will need to include a discharge plan for each identified nursing diagnostic statement.

Please use the Care Planning template provided to set out your assignment.

The word count for this assessment is 2000 words.

Attachment:- Case.rar

Case Study, Writing

  • Category:- Case Study
  • Reference No.:- M92368526
  • Price:- $55

Priced at Now at $55, Verified Solution

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