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Part 1: Theory and Business

1) Identify computing devices, which could be used to support Your Improved Process (at least three devices).

2) Identify key information required to support Your Improved Process (at least three kinds of information). Provide exs of the information you have identified and describe briefly why this information is important for your process.

3) Identify software applications and software platforms, which could provide important support for Your Improved Process (at least three applications and/or platforms). Briefly describe how the applications and platforms you have identified could support your process.

Part 2: Practice

Answer exercises 1-4 in the context of “Your Improved Process”, and for each of the exercises listed below record your answers briefly in writing. Be prepared to describe and justify your answers upon presenting your completed work.

problem: ERP System Modules

Identify and prepare down the names of three SAP System modules, which can support Your Improved Process.

problem: SAP Master Data

Identify and prepare down the names and transaction codes of three SAP transactions to create, edit and/or update master data, which is of relevance for Your Improved Process.

problem: Transactions to Support Key Activities

Identify and prepare down the names and transaction codes of five SAP transactions, which can support the key steps of Your Improved Process. Be prepared to describe the function and role of the transactions you have identified in broad terms.

problem: Business Objects

Identify and prepare down the names and object types of two business objects, which could hold data or provide methods of relevance for the activities of one or more of the transactions you have identified as part of Exercise 3. prepare down, which of the identified transactions your business objects relate to.

problem: Rosemann’s Lifecycle

Select three steps from Rosemann’s Lifecycle you think could be well supported by an SAP system. For the three steps you have selected, list five specific SAP elements total (transactions, modules, business objects, etc.) which could support activities required for the steps. Also prepare down which step(s) each element could support.

problem: The Big Picture

Identify at least one SAP module, report, transaction and/or tool that will support each aspect of Professor Scheer’s (1998) vision of an integrated information system in the shaded area illustrated on the next page. Provide names, access paths and/or transaction codes for reports, transactions and modules you have identified.

Scheer’s pyramid:

31_Scheer’s pyramid.jpg

problem: Key Figures

Identify and prepare down the names and ids of three key figures, which can help to monitor the activities of one or more of the transactions you have identified as part of Exercise 3. prepare down, which of the identified transactions your key figures relate to.

problem: Workflows

Identify and prepare down the names and ids of two workflows, which could support the key steps of Your Improved Process. prepare down, which of the identified transactions your business objects relate to.

Part 3: Essay

Discuss within one 1,500 word essay:
1) The benefits of supporting Your Improved Process with the systems and elements of the SAP system you have identified.

2) The risks and challenges of supporting Your Improved Process with the systems and elements of the SAP system you have identified.

3) The general benefits, risks and challenges in supporting business processes with contemporary enterprise resource planning systems.

Your Essay must conform to the following requirements:

• Your Essay is presented in one integrated embodiment (addressing the 3 problems listed above) featuring at the least the distinguishable parts of introduction, body and conclusion.

• Your Essay is supported by your experiences with identifying elements in the SAP system to support Your Improved Process in the labs.

• Your Essay is supported by appropriately referenced Literature Sources.

• Your Essay clearly distinguishes between (1) arguments and facts presented by third parties (e.g. in the Literature), (2) your own experiences, and (3) your opinions.

• You are allowed a 40% leeway in the set word limit.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M9131

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