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Formula For the Problem Statement

The problem statement should tell a story from beginning to end. It should be 250-300 words. The reader should be able to understand the problem with no prior knowledge of the subject and without having to read any other sections off the study. The problem statement should be able to stand alone.

To develop a problem statement, use the following formula:

1. Introduce the problem by providing some general background information on the topic.

2. Then, complete this sentence: The problem is _____, which results in ______(in the second blank, add the negative consequences of the problem and cite). You might think about the problem in terms of a general problem and then a specific problem you will address if helpful.

3. Support the problem with several sentences addressing the adversity or impact of the problem from the literature.

4. Add one or two sentences noting who is affected by the problem.

5. Conclude with a sentence noting what will happen if the problem is not solved.

For the whole problem, make sure that you are noting dreadful things. Some students get trapped by writing the purpose statement instead of the problem. I should be able to sing the soundtrack to a scary movie and that music fit the problem statement. If not, you have not captured the terrible things that are happening around the problem.

For additional reading on this topic, see:

Once you have the problem statement, you can move on to the purpose and research questions. You might consider highlighting all main words in your problem statement. These words should appear as the main words in your purpose and research questions. If you find you have introduced new words in those sections, then you have not aligned your research.

Dissertation, Writing

  • Category:- Dissertation
  • Reference No.:- M92370425
  • Price:- $10

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