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For this week's discussion please answer the following questions:

1. Discuss the movie, Chasing Heroin. What are the top 4 points that you took from the movie. What surprised you about the movie? What didn't surprise you at all?

2. Pick 3 drugs and discuss its relationship to crime/violence using the framework posed in the text, e.g. systemic, pharmacological,etc.). Given the information that you just presented, what efforts do you think would be the most successful with regard to preventing its use? Discuss each drug independently here.

3. After reading/watching all course materials, please give your take on the War on Drugs. (a) Why isn't it working? That is, why hasn't this 'war' stopped/curbed the problem in the United Sates?(b) Given what you know of the efficacy of all of the drug control strategies discussed, should more emphasis be placed on supply OR demand side intervention? i.e. law enforcement efforts versus treatment. Why? (c) What is Nadelman's take on the War on Drugs? Do you agree or disagree with him? Explain.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92390049
  • Price:- $10

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