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Discussion : Critical infrastructure requirements for building an online Banking Systems


1. Research at least two articles on the topic of "Critical infrastructure requirements for building an online Banking Systems" .

2. Primary post : Write a brief synthesis and summary (300-500 words) of the two articles and post on the discussion forum. In your summary, state clearly:

How are the topics of the two articles related to the topic?

What information was relevant and why?

3. Secondary post : Respond to exact TWO (2) other postings. If there are more than two secondary posts, the two post that you submitted to Discussion 1 - For gradingTurnitin Assignment 2 will be graded.

Your secondary post should be:

150-200 words

Answer to another student's question to your own post

Comment to your original post


1. Read the instruction here: How to submit a discussion File

2. Post your primary response by Wednesday July 12 (23:59PM)

3. Post TWO secondary posts by Sunday July 16 (23:59PM).

4. After posting your Primary and Secondary Post, please submit a copy of those posts to Discussion 1 - For grading (Very important)

Marking criteria

Your posts will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Using appropriate APA citation/reference style

2. Provide concrete examples

3. Identify consequences or implications

4. Challenge something that has been posted

5. Pose a related question or issue

6. Suggest a different perspective or interpretation

7. Pull in related information from other sources with proper citations & references

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92374076
  • Price:- $10

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