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Cloud computing provides a simple way to access servers, storage, databases and a broad set of application services over the Internet. Adoption of cloud computing in organizations is increasing rapidly and hence we are experiencing the wide usage of cloud computing.

Most of us won't realize the day to day usage of cloud computing which includes the Real time navigations systems (Google Maps), Online shopping(Amazon), Social media(Facebook), Work (Office 365), Entertainment(Netflix),Personal storage(iCloud) where large data is stored and retrieved as needed.

Why cloud computing is important for the organization/Business:


Cloud-based services are ideal for businesses with growing or fluctuating bandwidth demands. If your needs increase it's easy to scale up your cloud capacity, drawing on the service's remote servers. This level of agility can give businesses using cloud computing a real advantage over competitors.

Automatic software updates:

The beauty of cloud computing is that the servers are off-premise, Suppliers take care of them for you and roll out regular software updates - including security updates.

Capital-expenditure Free:

Cloud computing cuts out the high cost of hardware. You simply pay as you go and enjoy a subscription-based model that's kind to your cash flow.

Increased collaboration:

When your teams can access, edit and share documents anytime, from anywhere, they're able to do more together and do it better. Cloud-based workflow and file sharing apps help them make updates in real time and gives them full visibility of their collaborations.

Work from anywhere:

With cloud computing, if you've got an internet connection you can be at work. Businesses can offer more flexible working perks to employees so they can enjoy the work-life.

Document control:

The more employees and partners collaborate on documents, the greater the need for watertight document control. Before the cloud, employees had to send files back and forth as email attachments to be worked on by one user at a time which would end up with a mess of conflicting file content, formats and titles. When you make the move to cloud computing, all files are stored centrally and everyone sees one version of the truth. Greater visibility means improved collaboration, which ultimately means better work and a healthier bottom line.


Lost laptops are a billion dollar business problem. And potentially greater than the loss of an expensive piece of kit is the loss of the sensitive data inside it. Cloud computing gives you greater security when this happens. Because your data is stored in the cloud, you can access it no matter what happens to your machine. And you can even remotely wipe data from lost laptops so it doesn't get into the wrong hands.


Since the cloud is in a remote geographical location, in the event the production center is destroyed fully or partially, data can be recovered easily. The cloud servers are widely dispersed and are redundantly designed. In addition to this, the cloud service provider too would have DR plans in place. So the Data in the cloud is relatively safe.

Moving to the cloud gives access to enterprise-class technology, for everyone. It also allows smaller businesses to act faster than big, established competitors. Pay-as-you-go service and cloud business applications mean small outfits can run with the big boys and disrupt the market while remaining lean and nimble.

Environmentally friendly:

When your cloud needs fluctuate, your server capacity scales up and down to fit. So you only use the energy you need and you don't leave oversized carbon footprints.

The three articles discuss the importance and benefits of cloud computing.The three articles explained the similar list of cloud computing features important for a business or organization.

Salesforce UK (November 2017)Why Move To The Cloud? 10 Benefits Of Cloud Computing

Morgan Kaufmann (2013) Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice ISBN-13: 978-0124046276

VansonBourne(March 2012) The Business Impact of the Cloud

Write another response for the following article. Both are seperate and I want response in 2 different word file. Read it and include your opioin and your understanding in 150 words. for both the article above and below.

According to new IDG Research study, IT decision makers see business agility as providing the greatest impetus to adopt cloud computing. According to the study there are signs that private and public cloud models are giving way to the enterprise hybrid cloud. Public clouds lack the proven business scale technologies and security controls and private clouds have limited scalability utilizations level.

Cloud Business case :

Interestingly, it seems that IT leaders have a general positive view of current vendors abilities to meet a number of key requirements would help them number of promises of their business cases. The majority is pleased with open standards on open source capabilities as well as vendors business level quality of service and business level security. performance, business level security and quality of service for deploying mission critical application in the cloud, strategic importance is greatly increasing.

What kinds of cloud services do business owners use?

Public cloud: A public cloud service is built on external platform run by a cloud service provider. With this off site cloud service, users get their own cloud with in a infrastructure.

Private cloud: A private cloud is a cloud platform built with in your own walls on your own hardware and software. Since a private cloud is managed by your own internal IT team, it is ideal for businesses that want exclusive access, more flexibility and greater control over their cloud.

Hybrid cloud: A hybrid clouds employs both private and public clouds. In a hybrid cloud systems an organization own IT team manages part of cloud in house and rest off site. For instance, a hybrid cloud is perfect for an organization that want manage business related data. Hybrid clouds systems are used by all types of organizations.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92390796
  • Price:- $10

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