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Chapter 2 focuses on how the personal computer works and then turns its attention to other hardware devices as well. Be sure to read the sidebar in Bourgeois's e-book on Moore's Law carefully.

Moore's Law describes all of the different components and devices discussed in this chapter. The personal computer is the primary device that has driven the information systems revolution in the past thirty years.

Today's computers are built in a variety of shapes, sizes, and computer capabilities.

The continuous push for hardware and software inventions are changing the user preferences and driving the development of new computer models, hand-held devices, personal assistants, etc. Laudon and Laudon's (2012) learning tracks illustrate the evolution of computers, the inner works of a computer, and the technology drivers that are part of a lifecycle of emerging computer technologies.

Additionally, Gallaugher's (2012) chapter 5 gives a perspective on technology advances, limitations, and the magnitude of environmental issues caused by rapidly obsolete, faster, and cheaper computing.


Part I - If you could build your own personal computer, what components would you purchase? Put together a list of the components you would use to create it, including a computer case, motherboard, CPU, hard disk, RAM, and DVD drive. How can you be sure they are all compatible with each other?

How much would it cost? How does this compare to a similar computer purchased from a vendor such as Dell or HP? Prepare a 6-slide PPT answering the three questions. The cover page and reference should be additional slides.

Part II - Review at least two more scholarly articles on the topic of e-waste. Prepare a PPT that summarizes the issue and then recommend a possible solution based on your research. The cover page and reference should be additional slides.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92369434
  • Price:- $50

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