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Scenario: A gaming company has many computer systems but no formal methodology to make changes to these systems.

Create a 3- to 4-page change management methodology using Microsoft Word that details the steps that should be taken when a change is recommended for any system. Include the following:

• IT governance committee you would put in place to review and prioritize changes based on business needs and objectives and the severity of the change.

• A mock-up of the form the stakeholder fills out to request a system change (a stakeholder would be an end-user, manager, or IT staff member).

• Define the process used to evaluate system changes, including any effect on budgeting and resources, such as time or people, or the severity of the change.

• The decision-making process used to determine whether internal staff or contractors should be used to complete a system change. Include IT sourcing and contracting recommended practices.

• The importance of configuration management requirements and their impact on a software system.

• The methods you would use for handling conflict and other problems as they arise during a project.

• The process you would use to evaluate the success of the system change.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92171083
  • Price:- $35

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