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As the Chesapeake IT Consultants Case Study states, the executives and employees have identified a need for an effective and efficient hiring system.

In the Section III of the Business Analysis and System Recommendation Report (Stage 3 assignment), you will be defining strategic outcomes, analyzing the current hiring process, and defining some essential requirements for the information system to support the hiring process at CIC.

Content contains an article Good Practices for Developing User Requirements.

For this discussion, Group B post an initial response with:

1. How an organization can benefit from information regarding its applicants, current and past employees to gain a competitive advantage. (Research will provide specific examples of what some companies have done. Also, in Course Content for Week 5 - Information Management Module - Knowledge Management -- introduces MITRE Corporation and its use of Knowledge Management.)

2. Include two specific user requirements (what users should be able to do with the solution) to help achieve those benefits.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92369372
  • Price:- $30

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