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Assignment: Management of Information Systems

Nozama Information Sheet


To assess ability to examine the role of information systems within organizations, management, and network infrastructure


To complete this, fulfill the following instructions for each part:

Part 1 - Information Systems Diagram

1. Read the Nozama Information Sheet
2. Create a diagram that shows the various roles of Information Systems in organizations, such as Nozama

1. State the roles within the system
2. Place each system in the correct position in the diagram
3. Present the diagram in way that is appropriate to the workplace

Part 2 - Rationale of Information Systems

1. Write a 1-2 page documents that explains the ways in which an Information System can support Nozama's business functions
1. Identify the business purpose and function of the Information System in the organization
2. Present the document in a way that is appropriate to the workplace
3. Sources, if used, are cited appropriately


You are in the process of creating Nozema, an e-commerce book retailer. Your experience from computer networking courses in college gives you the confidence to tackle this project yourself, and along the way you will tackle issues related to MIS framed through the fictional retailer.

About Nozama

Nozama will focus on selling new and used books. Beyond strictly selling physical copies, a major part of your business will be allowing customers to get "online" in your store and download books. This process will be addressed in classes that you plan to offer on downloading books and setting them up on any device. To do so, you will need to design and build a network and computing solution for your business. After having done some initial planning, you have decided on starting with 100 initial items and growing items as business increases.

Company Needs

You have identified the following requirements for your network:

1. One office computer and one server used for sales services and classes on your website.
2. A backup server to capture data in case of a disaster
3. Two dedicated networks: for computers and for the servers
4. Centralized management and control of the computers so that you can maintain the network from off-site
5. Adequate security for all company communication and documents
6. Protection for all services
7. Segmented general network access
8. Top drawer speed
9. Available capacity to use as the company grows

Additionally, the following needs ought to be addressed as you develop your MIS strategy:

1. Drafting a company history
2. Developing a company mission statement
3. Expanding to selling additional items
4. Providing clients the ability to view all books online
5. Providing customers with a general information website
6. Creating a second, secure, Website through which clients can buy services and products
7. Providing for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum)
8. Long-term costs
9. Hiring and training additional employees, all of whom will work from home.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92381177
  • Price:- $30

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