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Assignment: Learning Team Instructions: Business Continuity Plan Presentation

Each Part the Learning Team will get together to discuss and work on aspects of the Business Continuity Plan presentation. The final Learning Team presentation is due at the end of the course in Part Five.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

Throughout the course key concepts and activities will underscore the value of effective and efficient enterprise network management. An enterprise requires a business continuity plan in order to restore and maintain essential corporate networking services and information protection during a crisis that can originate from a natural disaster to the compromise of network resources and information sources by an external or internal attack. The Learning Team assignments provide the opportunity for each student in a team context to use the acquired knowledge and experience to integrate these concepts into a Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

Scenario: Your Learning Team is a group of IT professionals who are hired to develop and present a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to senior management for approval and funding. Your team must prepare a PowerPoint presentation to educate senior management about the need for the BCP and describe the technical details of your plan. The work and research for this project begins early in Part Two after team formation and continues Part over Part to the end of Part Five with the submission of a Learning Team presentation.

Use the International Plastics, Inc. documentation, resources linked in the zip file,, and additional outside sources to create the BCP.

Deliverables to support the Business Continuity Plan:

Part Two:

• Draw a 1-page network diagram using Visio, or any other freeware drawing software you wish to use, that provides a solution to one of the weaknesses identified in the International Plastics, Inc network.

• Insert the network diagram into a Microsoft Word document and include a 1/4-page narrative or explanation of how the weakness is minimized by your solution and what network protocol is in play.

Part Three:

• Draw a 1-page network diagram using Visio, or any other freeware drawing software you wish to use, that provides a cloud-based solution to one of the weaknesses identified in the International Plastics, Inc network.

• Insert the network diagram into a Microsoft Word document and include a 1/4-page narrative or explanation of how the cloud-based solution addresses a business need.

Part Four:

• Prepare a 260-word minimum outline using Microsoft Word focused on how to prepare a security plan that would be contained within a Business Continuity Plan. The security plan applies specifically to the BCP and is not a generic security plan.

Part Five:

• Create 5 Microsoft PowerPoint slides minimum with speaker notes that address the following:

o Provide a concise view of the business continuity plan
o Provide insights on how your plan will address vulnerabilities
o Persuade senior leadership to approve and fund the proposed BCP
o The presentation should be engaging; use relevant figures and diagrams
o Citations must be included in each slide as a note and follow APA guidelines.

Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92260459

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