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Assignment : Technology Assessment and Government Regulations

You are the senior manager of a large healthcare organization. The senior management team must decide on a Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) for the organization that will encompass several clinical and administrative departments.

You will need to create a PowerPoint presentation that will persuade your CEO to purchase your chosen HIMS. Your presentation should also contain some important aspects of HIMS (EMR) such as, implementation, interoperability, productivity, and support challenges.

Create a twenty to twenty five (20-25) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

Create an argument to be presented to the CIO the need to integrate all clinical and administrative departments using a Health InformationManagement System in your health care organization. Note: Your title slide is considered as one (1) slide.

Identify and analyze the most significant EHI, EHR, HIPPA, and HITECH current regulations in your state. Next, determine two (2) ways they could impact the integration of HIMS in your health care organization.

Be sure to include three (3) potential solutions to address these regulation challenges.

Propose three (3) privacy and security measure that will help health care providers avoid security breaches, data loss, and better allow them to concentrate on caring for their patients. Next, develop an action plan to protect patient information that complies with EHI, HER, PHI, HIPAA legal requirements.

Suggest three (3) key actions you could take to monitor privacy and security violations that may occur after the implementation of HIMS in your health care organization.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Note:Your references slides is considered as one (1) slide.



Management Information System, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Information System
  • Reference No.:- M92383417

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