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The company you will use in this assignment: (Apple Inc.)

1. SWOT analysis:

1.1. External analysis:

Identify opportunities and threats as follows:

- Four opportunities: two competitive forces, and two general forces
- Four threats: two competitive forces, and two general forces

1.2. Internal analysis:

Identify strengths and weaknesses as follows:

- Three strengths: one tangible resource, one intangible resource, and one capability
- Identify three weaknesses: one tangible resource, one intangible resource, and one capability

2. Value chain analysis:

2.1. Core business:

- Give the name of your company's core business (if several core businesses, choose one)
- Give the names of three activities your firm performs along the core business' value chain
- Give the names of two activities your company has outsourced

2.2. Brand (or model) within the core business:

- Name one brand your analysis will focus on (if the brand has several models, name one model)
- Give the name of, and explain, the value your firm seeks to create for that brand (or model)

3. Performance analysis:

3.1. Financial performance:

- Name one financial indicator you have chosen to analyze your firm's financial performance
- Based on that indicator, analyze your firm's financial performance

3.2. Strategic performance:

- Name one strategic indicator you have chosen to analyze your firm's strategic performance
- Based on that indicator, analyze your firm's strategic performance

4. Competitive advantage analysis:

Based on points 1, 2, and 3 above, state whether your company has achieved a competitive advantage for the brand or model you have chosen (e.g.: For its Corvette model, General Motors has achieved a competitive advantage). Explain your answer. In your explanation, focus on whether your company has excelled in creating the value that the brand or model you have chosen was seeking.


- Do not provide answers that go beyond what the question is asking
- Although you only discuss your answers, put them in writing so you can refer to them
- DO NOT SKIP A QUESSTION: Have an answer to every question
- Several students have the same company
- It is up to those students to decide whether to share homework answers
- However, during your discussion, you are solely responsible for the answers you give.

Strategic Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Strategic Management
  • Reference No.:- M92381262
  • Price:- $45

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