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Assignemnt: Project Implementation Plan- Part 1

Resources: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, final project charter and final project plan

Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word Project Implementation Plan for the project selected by the Learning Team in Week 2 which will also be used for the final implementation plan for the Project Selection Paper Assignment. Part 1 of the plan must include the following sections:

• Human Resources Plan: Complete the human resources plan for the project as defined in section 9.1.3 (Develop Human Resources Plan) in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. This plan should include roles and responsibilities, a project organization chart, and a staffing management plan. Your plan should:

o Analyze the roles and responsibilities in the following areas: Role, Authority, Responsibility, and Competency which are needed to complete a project.

o Create a project organization chart that displayed project team members and their reporting relationships.

o Create a staffing management plan that included how human resource management requirements will be met by including when and how project team members will be acquired and how long they will be needed.

• Quality Management Plan: Complete the quality management plan as defined in section 8.1.3 (Plan Quality: Outputs) in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. This plan should include the quality management plan for implementing the organization's quality policy and the quality metrics. Your plan should:

o Examine how the organization's quality policies will be implemented.
o Examine how the project management team plans to meet the quality requirements set for the project.

• Procurement Plan: Complete the procurement plan as defined in section, titled Procurement Management Plan, in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. This plan should identify the types of external resources that must be secured, the process for selecting and managing these external resources, and the metrics to evaluate the external resources. Your plan should:

o Examine how a project team will acquire goods and services from outside the performing organization.
o Examine how the procurement processes will be managed from developing procurement documents through contract closure.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Tables may be used to format and organize the implementation plan. They can be included within the plan rather than at the end as normally required by APA guidelines.

Attachment:- Attachments.rar

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M92393542

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