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Assessment: Managerial Decision Making

ARTICLE - Haran, U., & Moore, D.A (2014). A better way to forecast. California Management Review, 57(1): 5-15.

Assessment-Article Review

General Overview:

This assessment item accounts for 30% of your final grade for this unit.

This is an assignment that must be completed by students individually.

The assessment is due in on Monday Week 3 23:00 hours.

The presentations will take place in weeks 3 and 4.

The review must be 1500 words in length. Two points will be deducted for those essays that are over or under by 200 words.

The presentation should be 10 minutes in length. To points will be deducted for those presentations that are over or under by 2 minutes.

The review must include 15 academic references, one of which may be the assigned textbook for this course.

The essay must include a cover page that contains your name, student number, resident campus, assessment title, and lecturer.

On-campus students must write a review of an article from the reading pack and then present the review in class using PowerPoint.

Flex students must write a review of an article from the reading pack and then present using PowerPoint during an arranged Zoom session

The majority of the final mark for this assignment is based upon the oral presentation.

The review must conform to the APA study guide

Task Description: The purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate your ability to critically evaluate information and present that information to an audience or your peers. You may pick any of the articles listed on the unit's Moodle site. You will then write a review based around your responses to the following questions. Please do not simply list the questions and your response to them.

The questions are to be used simply as a means for you to critically think about your chosen article. You will then present this information in class.

Both the written review and the presentation must answer the following questions:

What is the topic of the article?

Based upon the article what do we know about the topic of the article?

Based upon the article is there a gap in the literature or some new development that needs to be explained?

How was the research conducted?

What where the findings?

What are the implications of the article for management practice?

What is your overall evaluation of the article's effectiveness and credibility?

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M92382586
  • Price:- $60

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