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Health & Fitness
DEFINITION OF HEALTH & FITNESS Health: " Health is a state of the complete physical, social and mental well-being and not simply absence of the disease or infirmity." Fitness: The Physical fitness is normally defined as "the ability to carry out the daily tasks with alertness and vigor, without the undue fatigue, and with the sample energy to enjoy the leisure-time pursuits and to meet t
Medical Education
MEDICAL EDUCATION The Medical education is education related to practice of being a medical practitioner; either initial training to become a physician (i.e., the medical school and the internship), the additional training thereafter (e.g., the residency and the fellowship), or the training to become a Physician Assistant. The Medical education and the training varies considerably across world
Medicine and Nursing
The School of Nursing & Health Studies offers a graduate nursing program of the study leading to degree Master of Science. The Master's program prepares the advanced practice nurses and the nurse educators who meet certification requirements for the respective specialized areas of the nursing practice: Nurse Educator, Nurse Anesthesia, Family Nurse Practitioner, Nurse-Midwifery/Women's Health Nurs

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Zemplar Zemplar, I'm in stage five renal failure with a GFR of 8,what is my life

Zemplar, I'm in stage five renal failure with a GFR of 8,what is my life expectancy? I have been on this drug now for about one year.

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How long should an 88 year old diabetic patient be on ciprofloxacin?

I don't know how to bring it up that I think Dilantin is

I don't know how to bring it up that I think Dilantin is causing my absence seizures, without sounding condescending. I have absence seizures, and my neurologist increases my Dilantin dosage. Should I be worried?

I have tried for 10 days but my is anxiety worse

I have tried for 10 days but my is anxiety worse, does this get better ?Can use Citelopram?

I forgot one day of my birth control and then I left my

I forgot one day of my birth control and then I left my school to come home (boarding school) and forgot my birth control pack so I went home and picked up a new pack because I was only like 3 days into the pack I forgot ...

Thinking about asking for bone treatment rather than

Thinking about asking for bone treatment rather than systemic drugsWhat are the most common side effects?

1)how does not chewing your food affect digestion in the

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Interferon Alfa-2B - Getting dry patches on face and

Interferon Alfa-2B - Getting dry patches on face and knuckles on hands are dry and cracked. What is  a really good lotion or ointment to use?

I have had my implant for 1 year and 7 months

I have had my implant for 1 year and 7 months, when I first had it put in I spotted for a couple of months on and off and then since then I have had no period what so ever, we have been so busy recently that we haven't s ...

I recently lost 60 lbs. Six weeks ago I started getting

I recently lost 60 lbs. Six weeks ago I started getting dizzy when lowering my head onto my pillow at night and also when lifting my head off the pillow in the morning. This would last 3-4 seconds. I had been taking 10MG ...

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