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Complete your assigned readings before you finish the assessment.

Prepare a paper (700 to 1,050 words) discussing the case and incorporating answers to the problems below. It is significant to address each of the problems presented.  The APA rules for formatting, paraphrasing, quoting, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. The Reference List is not comprised in the required paper length. Your paper should contain at least five references, which might comprise your course textbook, books, internet sources and professional journals or other suitable resources. Please do not copy or plagiarize others materials. All the papers are electronically scanned by Turn It In.

Important deduction of points might result when copying and plagiarism is evident.

Read the closing case “Avon Calls on Foreign Markets”. Incorporate into your analysis responses to the given problems. You must ensure to incorporate core concepts from your reading assignment.

1) Your reading assignment for this unit describes different marketing orientations. Discuss the applicability of each to Avon’s global operations.

2) Why is Avon so much more reliant on its foreign operations than on its home (U.S.) operations?

3) Discuss socioeconomic and demographic changes which could affect Avon.

4) How might a global recession, such as the one which began in 2008, impact Avon’s operations?

5) What are the main competitive benefits that Avon has? How simply might other companies duplicate such benefits?

6) Avon doesn’t sell in the United States in retail establishments (with the exceptions of kiosks handled by some of its reps). What are the pros & cons of distributing that manner?

7) If you were advising the Avon on the selection of new suppliers, what would be your main concerns as you assess firms which are potential suppliers? What criteria must the company use to make decisions on where to make their products?

8) Recognize the challenges Avon faces in both maintaining and growing its global manufacturing and supply chain network given the dynamics of nowadays competitive environment.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M913

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