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Your first lab link can be found at How to raise successful kids - without over-parenting. A written transcript is also available for this lab.

1. Julie Lythcott-Haims claims that kids often are leading a 'checklisted childhood.' What does she mean by this?

2. In the unit we learned that positive parenting involves encouraging good behavior and promoting healthy self-esteem in children, among other things. What is one example of how the idea of a checklisted childhood go against the ideas behind positive parenting?

3. What is self-efficacy and why might it be an important part of positive parenting?

4. According to Lynthcott-Haims, how are chores an essential part of childhood? How does this relate to positive parenting ideas?

5. Looking at your own childhood, do you feel that your parents imposed a checklisted childhood on you? How do you feel these things have affected you (positively or negatively) as a young adult?

Your second lab link can be found at Tempering Tantrums. A written transcript is also available for this lab.

1. In order to prevent temper tantrums, the author suggests using the A, B, C's. Describe what the A, B, C's are.

2. Provide an example of how to use the A, B, C's.

3. Imagine you are going to a restaurant for a sit-down family dinner, and you are the parent to a 3-year-old child. How can you prepare your child for the dinner in advance?

4. What is the benefit of letting a child determine his or her own consequence?

5. Do you think using the A, B, C's and consequences can shape a child's behavior? Why or why not?

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  • Reference No.:- M92366213
  • Price:- $20

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