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Your assignment is to prepare a memo or email based on the case below.

Marks for this assignment will be based on including the given components:

A) Appropriate memo/email content
B) One page in length
C) Must include all parts of a memo or email
D) Block style format
E) Business layout and margins
F) Professional business tone and writing style
G) Free of spelling and grammatical errors
H) Initialing your memo or email
I) Citing all sources used


Your company has been asked to submit a proposal to develop telecommunications within Saudi Arabia, and much of the company’s most senior staff members are female. If your company wins the contract, women from your firm will need to live in Saudi Arabia to complete the project. Because your boss knows little about the country, he asks you, to do some research to learn what is appropriate business dress in Saudi Arabia.

Visit two or three web sites and learn about dress expectations in Saudi Arabia. Is Western-style clothing acceptable to men? What is the dress expectation for women? Are there any clothing taboos? Should guest workers be expected to dress like locals? Prepare a memo or email to your boss, Lesley Williams. Summarize your findings for her.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9590

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