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Your assignment this week is to hand in the FIRST of the two "cultural experience" visits you will make during this term. You will hand in this first one during week 4 and the other during week 7. After each of the two visits, write 500-800 word report about the visit and what you learned.

Instructions For Cultural Experience Report #1

For your two reports, attend two different venues from this list. (One venue for Report One and a different venue for Report Two, not two venues in the same report).

  • art museum or sculpture garden
  • significant or notable architectural site (if there is explanatory material there to help you understand it)
  • music concert
  • theater play
  • poetry reading or spoken word performance
  • dance performance
  • religious service, ceremony or ritual for a religion very different from yours, if you practice (for instance, if you are Christian, you may not go to another Christian denomination's service)
  • other displays or performances may be acceptable. Check with your instructor for approval beforehand.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92376142
  • Price:- $10

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