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You will write research paper over the death penalty. You are expected to write professionally with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, developing your topic and providing solid examples from our readings, your own research, or your own experiences to back up your statements.

Your work should be double-spaced, 12-point sans serif font, with 1-inch margins all around. When citing resources, you must adhere strictly to APA style (all papers must include a title page and reference page, although you will not be required to provide an abstract). The paper must have a minimum of 8 full double-spaced pages of meaningful discussion (title page and reference page do not count as part of the 8 pages).

The paper must include a minimum of 6 references (outside of the course text), with at least two references from peer-reviewed academic journals (peer-reviewed references should be highlighted in bold type in the reference list). You must not to write in first person. All papers must be in a .doc, .pdf, or .rtf format.

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  • Reference No.:- M92390898
  • Price:- $10

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