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One of the five elements of emotional intelligence is self-awareness. What behaviors would someone with strong self-awareness demonstrate within the context of leading and managing groups?

According to Huber, self-awareness is an essential component needed to become a successful leader. According to Webster self-awareness is the "knowledge and awareness of your own personality or character". Leaders with a high self-awareness often predicts overall success (Lipman, 2013).

Having self-awareness includes knowing your strong points and your weaker. As a leader realizing your strong points can help motivate others. If you excell at verbal communication you might want to communicate individually with employees. However, if your strength is more toward creating powerpoints then you would send information this way.

Leadership of groups requires self-awareness of how your behaviors come across to others in your group. If you know people often see you coming across as demanding, you could try to ensure your group members do not feel you are demanding in your demeanor to others.

I also believe as a leader you must always convey a positive attitude, and always set the example for others to follow. Leaders must be aware of the feelings they convey to others based on their outward behaviors. Your employees should always know they can count on you to help them in any way you can. A good leader who shows empathy and treats their employees fairly will earn their respect, this will also help with staff retention and increase overall satisfaction scores.

As an example at my current job my nurse supervisor excells at face to face instruction and interaction with her employees. Our latest teaching was related to picc dressings. She stayed late and ensured all employees met with her personally so she could explain the latest changes to them. She understands that her best quality is direclty communicating with people, and does this more than simply creating a powerpoint for all staff to read.


Lipman, V (2013) All Successful Leaders Need This Quality: Self-Awareness. Retrieved from Forbes

Huber, D. (2014). Leadership and Nursing Care Management (5th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevier. ISBN-13:Webster

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