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You know that many factors affect the overall satisfaction of employees. As part of your efforts to continually improve performance and employee satisfaction at your own organization, you decide to learn what other top companies are doing in this area.

Consolidate your research into 4-6 pages that can be shared with decision makers at your organization.

Choose one of the Top 100 Best Companies to Work For from this year's list. Use the library and Internet to research the company and its employee programs.

Describe the employee programs that have helped this organization make the Top 100 list.

Explain how the effectiveness of these programs can be measured.

Explain the measures used to compile the Top 100 rankings.

Describe how a performance management system can lead to positive organizational outcomes.

Include as much specific information as possible to support your ideas.

Cite resources using APA style.

Please refer to the following multimedia course materials:

Unit 5: Developing Strategic HR Policy

4-6 pages

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92373869
  • Price:- $50

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