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You just opened your own business, a tanning salon.
The purpose of this is to conduct research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) problems and solutions for the Tanning Salon industry, and synthesize the research.
Please cover all the issues facing the tanning salon industry such as health concerns or anything else viable for a CSR report.

Issues that impact the effectiveness of your CSR investment, including:

The government's role.
CSR as a catalyst for innovation.
New research on tools to calculate the value of business sustainability initiatives.
Leveraging CSR investments to increase employee recruitment, retention, and commitment.
The latest in sustainable supply chain practices.
Best practices in community engagement to quantify results and optimize value to the firm and the community.

It is anticipated that papers will cover a spectrum of topics:
Economic factors (e.g. poverty, debt, industrialisation, globalisation),
Political factors (e.g. level of democracy, corruption, legislation, institutional capacity),
Social factors (e.g. cultural context, urbanisation, ethnicity, access to basic services, public health, HIV/AIDS),
Ecological factors (e.g. drought, desertification, deforestation, resource scarcity, pollution).

5 sections that need to be covered are:
Issues (longest section)
current baseline
best practices

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91190196

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