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You have just been promoted to the position of HIT coordinator. In your new role, you have been asked to develop a diabetic registry using a database. The purpose of the diabetic registry is to provide a snapshot of the patients' progress to providers an easy to read format. It will allow providers to determine if further intervention is needed for their patients.

First, research diabetic registries to determine what data to capture and how to effectively monitor diabetic patients. After researching diabetic registries, develop and create a database with a minimum of three tables using a unique identifier as a link. For example, create a table for demographics, a table for glycemic control, a table for coronary risk factors, and a table for microvascular end organ disease.

Once the database has been created, populate the tables with at least twenty (20) patients using various results for their labs.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92380221
  • Price:- $15

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