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TASK:  You have been asked to prepare an essay on the changing role of the Human Resource Department.

The ESSAY: This should comprise the following:


This must include a brief statement of the objectives and conclusions written in a way to fascinate the reader.


Hence must comprise the objectives of the work and the principle research techniques.

Discussion/ Literature Review/Critical Analysis:

1) A review of Collins (C3 Beardwell 2010)

2) The role of the Human Resource Department:

• In International Organization.
• In Flexible High Performance organization.

3) Consider the role of the HR Department:  Facilitator or Organizer

4) Consider the expectation:  HR as an Outsourced facility.

Summary or Conclusion:

This should be based on your objectives reviewed from a ‘completed’ perspective

Marks are awarded to reflect the structure. Do you have an introduction, a discussion which continues logically and develop in a controlled thematic and for Construction, which is concerned with suitable word usage and paragraph construction and suitable referencing.

The above needs are indicated as the needed areas of focus for you to articulate your individual responses. The submission of your work for assessment must be organized, clearly structured in the order outlined above.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9110

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