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You are required to prepare 1 reflective journal entries on any topic/concept related to elements of strategy discussed during the first half of semester. The entries are to be 300-350 words long (typed, double spaced - please stick to the word limit.) and will be worth 6 marks each.

These can be inspired by a quote, concept, article or theoretical topic and requires no research or referencing, as this would defeat the purpose of the whole exercise.

We want to hear your opinions!

Journal entries will be marked according to the following;

• evidence of critical thinking.
• demonstrated ability to take a stand and defend it.
• demonstrated ability to problem assumptions.
• the relationship to marketing strategy issues.
• originality of writing.
• Can use exs

A bit of a guide line for the entry.

Entry one: (we are assuming that most Top Managemnet Teams don’t have CMO’s in them). Importance of Chief marketing officers! (with three parts to it)

Traditionally who are on top management teams etc.

Why marketing is important? (All businesses provide a product or service for money. And for stakeholders profit is the most important but to get money you need to add customer value etc. Marketers do that with segmenting, marketing mix etc to get the product in the consumers evoked set, makes all the difference. An ex of if you make something (ex a cd) and don’t tell anyone vs market it tell friends, fb page etc how many copies would you sell).

How to get CMO on TMT? (Since most ppl in tmt have economic and technical background talk to them in terms they understand and like so ROI and longterm profit and sustainability vs consumer behavior etc).

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M923

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