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You are interviewing for a psychologist position with a top company. After your face-to-face interview with the team, they have provided you with two additional assignments-Part A and Part B below, which will complete the interview process:

• Part A: A psychologist understands how biology can affect psychological activities and disorders.

In your interview, you are asked about your understanding of the causes and treatment(s) of schizophrenia.

In your reply, discuss the following:

o Areas of the brain affected

o Causal factors

o Associated symptoms

o The neural basis

o Appropriate drug therapies

• Part B: Part B of the interview consists of interpreting some case studies from a biopsychologist's perspective.

You are given four different case studies of disorders and have the option of choosing two out of the four case studies to analyze.

• Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper in APA format containing the following:

o Introduction

o Part A of the interview process.

o Part B of the interview process:

• Choose two of the four case studies presented in Appendix A.

• Discuss your understanding of the problem presented in each of the two case studies from the perspective of a biopsychologist.

• Include each problem's relation to the nature-nurture issue and any relevant portions of the Basics to Biopsychology text.

• Use a minimum of five outside resources, including at least 3 peer-reviewed articles.

• Apply any helpful drug interventions or solutions.

• Discuss the positive or negative aspects of these drug interventions or solutions.

o Conclusion

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92378450
  • Price:- $20

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