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You are also welcome and encouraged to conduct your own research. Your responses must be written in complete sentences and in your own words. Save your work as a Word document and submit it here. This assignment does not require APA format other than correctly citing any references you use.

What are the three levels of the federal court system?

Which court is at the top of the federal court system?

What term refers to a sharing of powers between the national government and the state governments?

Explain and provide five examples of what is meant by "federal question jurisdiction".

What is the job of an appeals court?

Of all the court cases heard in the United States, are the majority heard in state courts or federal courts?

Joe is arrested for burglary at a restaurant located two miles from his house. Is he more likely to go through the state or federal court system?

Ted is arrested and charged with robbing banks in Colorado and Wisconsin. Is he more likely to go through the state or federal court system?

Which article and section of the Constitution distributes the federal judicial power between the Supreme Court's appellate and original jurisdiction, providing that the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction in "all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls," and in cases to which state is a party.

Most states utilize a three-tiered court system. List and briefly describe each tier

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92387397
  • Price:- $10

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