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Writing assignment 1

• Create a 5-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that outlines the introduction of the topic; the body will include the impact of the topic, and the conclusion will include how to handle the impact by a human services organization.

• Create a 3-page paper, with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion, keeping your focus on how the group interacted when creating the presentation, specifically addressing the following points:

o Describe the pros and cons of planning, organizing, and presenting the content in your presentation. This paper is not about personalities but about the process that the group went through in order to finish its presentation.

o Include a page of content, wherein you debrief how the group worked together, including the incorporation of group concepts such as risky shifts, response polarization, groupthink, social facilitation, social inhibition, and social loafing.

o Include details about the additive, disjunctive, and conjunctive tasks that the group performed.

o Support all of your answers with at least 3-4 scholarly sources, cited in APA format.

Writing assignment 2

The objective of this assignment is to compare and contrast the different groups with which you are involved while sharing how the groups bond and what issues have had to be addressed. Another objective is to add to your breadth of knowledge on group dynamics, including what makes your group bond and stay healthy and what makes it dysfunction and break apart.

For this assignment, you will conduct an interview of a human services professional or an administrator and ask questions specifically about the types of groups the interviewee is a part of and about the group dynamics as perceived by the interviewee.

Do not include the name of the organization and use an interviewee from an organization other than your own. The questions that you will ask for your interview will be developed by you and must be related to the person's group involvement at work.


• Develop a set of interview questions for the interview to be conducted. Your interview questions can be the ones that you found on the Internet or the ones that you have developed based on your readings.

• Ensure that your set of questions covers the below-mentioned questions as well:

o With what types of groups, both formal and informal, is the interviewee involved in his or her organization? Choose one formal and one informal group to focus on.

o How do the formal and informal groups differ from each other, and in what aspects are they similar?

o What bonds the groups? What relational tensions have been present in these groups, and how were they solved?

o How do the groups achieve success and celebrate the wins?

• Create a 3-page paper comprising your findings and learning derived from the interview conducted. Also, include the set of interview questions that you asked your interviewee as an appendix to your paper.

Note: Your paper should rely upon at least 3-4 professional literature that are cited in APA format. The literature may include relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92394396
  • Price:- $70

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