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Write a Personal Statement (of 300-500 words, or about one typewritten page). This statement will be used not only for evaluating your eligibility for admissions, but also for potential consideration for certain College scholarships. Use our electronic Personal Statement Form, below or prepare and mail a typed, one-page essay to the Office of Admissions. Choose one of the following topics:

1. Describe yourself as a leader, including your personal leadership style, ethics, and values. Explain what leadership roles you'd like to pursue in college or in your profession.

2. Explain why community and civic service are important in today's society. Tell us about your own volunteer service and your community and civic activities.

3. Identify the three or four personal values that are most important to you. Explain how you try to live out those values in your daily life.

4. Describe a unique talent, interest, or passion of yours. Explain how you would like to develop that talent more fully while in college.

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  • Reference No.:- M92367961
  • Price:- $20

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