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Write a One-Page Reaction Paper on the concept of why you believe it is important to utilize Crime Analysis in modern-day, "Post-9/11" police operations.

Include how Crime Mapping, in and of itself, may in fact assist law enforcement in the short, and long-term concepts of combating, controlling, and preventing crime.

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Definition of Crime Analysis

Crime analysis is the systematic study of crime and disorder problems as well as other police-related issues-including sociodemographic, spatial, and temporal factors-to assist the police in criminal apprehension, crime and disorder reduction, crime prevention, and evaluation.

Many different definitions, common components are:

supporting the mission of the police agency

utilizing systematic methods and information

providing information to a range of audiences

Components of the Definition

The Study includes:

Focused and systematic examination

Not haphazard or anecdotal

Application of social science data collection procedures, analytical methods, and statistical techniques.

Qualitative and quantitative data and methods

Qualitative: examination of non-numerical data for the purpose of discovering underlying meanings and patterns of relationships (e.g., field research, observation)

Quantitative: conducting statistics on numerical or categorical data (e.g., frequencies, percentages, means, and rates)

Crime and disorder

Information related to the nature of the incidents, offenders, and victims or targets

Much more than just the examination of crime incidents

Socio-demographic information

Characteristics of individuals and groups such as sex, race, income, age, and education

Individual level: search for and identify crime suspects

Broader level: determine the characteristics of groups within areas

Spatial nature of crime and police related issues

Visual displays of crime locations and their relationship to other events

Analytical techniques to determine clusters of activity

Temporal nature of crime and police related issues

Long term trends over years

The seasonal nature of crime

Mid-length and short term patterns (e.g., days/times)

Goals of Crime Analysis

To support the operations of a police department

To assist in criminal apprehension

To prevent crime through methods other than apprehension

The final goal of crime analysis is also to assist with the evaluation of police efforts.

Success of crime prevention programs and initiatives

Whether police organization is running effectively

Definition of GIS

A GIS is a set of computer-based tools that allow a person to modify, visualize, query, and analyze geographic and tabular data.

A geographic information system (GIS) is the software tools that allow the crime analyst to map crime in many different ways, from a simple point map to a three-dimensional visualization of spatial or temporal data.

Definition of Crime Mapping

Crime mapping is the process of using a geographic information system to conduct spatial analysis of crime problems and police related issues.

Three main functions crime mapping:

To facilitate the visual and statistical analysis of the spatial nature of crime and other types of events.

To provide the ability to link unlike data sources together based on a common geographic variable (e.g., linking census information, school information, and crime data for a common area).

To create maps communicating analysis results.

History of Crime Analysis

Beginnings of Crime Analysis

London in the early 19th Century

Metropolitan Police Act, passed in the 1820s, about 1,000 men were organized to form a London police force.

Evidence of crime statistics

United States 1900-1970

Early 20th Century: August Vollmer wrote about pin mapping, the regular review of police reports, and the formation of patrol districts based on crime volume

1950s and 1960s: analysis happening but no evidence of crime analysis products (O.W.Wilson's writings)

1970s: 1968 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act

1970s: Beginnings of environmental criminology

Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) in 1979.


The Colorado Crime Analysis Association, 1982

California 1989

Minority of departments


International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA)

Problem Oriented Policing (1990), Herman Goldstein

Community policing

Improvements in computer hardware and software.

1994 Violent Crime Control and Safe Streets Act


History of Crime Mapping

Beginnings of Crime Mapping

Cartographic School of Criminology examined levels of crime summarized by different areas (regions) and their relationship to sociological factors

United States: 1900-1970

New country, maps and census data not readily available

1920s and 1930s urban sociologists in Chicago mapped juvenile delinquency

1950s, 1960s, and 1970s sociologists and others looking at crime and its causes continued to examine sociological factors.

In the late 1960s, spatial analysis of crime began to be conducted using large computer systems and unsophisticated visualization methods

1970 to Present

During the late 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s, there was a movement by researchers in England, Canada, and the United States to shift the study of crime away from the focusing on the criminal offender towards focusing on the criminal event

Significant improvements in computer technology and police data systems occurred in the early to mid-1990s

Crime mapping was advocated by Vice President Al Gore in the mid 1990s

Government funding was allocated for police agencies to obtain crime mapping technology

Programs developed specifically to assist with crime mapping:

Crime Mapping Research Center, now called the Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety program (MAPS)

Crime Mapping and Analysis Program (CMAP)

Police Foundation's, Crime Mapping Laboratory


Crime Analysis vs. Crime Mapping

Crime mapping is that in the last decade crime analysis and crime mapping have evolved but along different paths.

This is evidenced by their histories (i.e., academic vs. police beginnings), the availability of funding, centers, and publications (i.e., primarily for crime mapping).

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